How does Coaching work?

We’ll work together via our coaching app. For the general coaching options, you’ll have custom programs for training and/or nutrition alongside weekly check-ins.

The check-ins will include questions for you to fill out to help us make sure you’re on track and adhering well to the program. You’ll also have the ability to message us directly with questions or help with your plan.

In addition to 1on1 guidance every month with your training/nutrition, you’ll also have access to:

  • Resources that will help you remain healthy, strong, and consistent for the longterm

  • On-demand wellness videos

How are payments set up?

For coaching and downloadable programs, payments are made via your choice of debit, credit, or PayPal.

For monthly 1on1 coaching, we prefer subscription payments via PayPal, but we can also use alternative methods if preferred.

How do I get started With Coaching?

Before starting, you must first apply. We’ll schedule a ~30 min call to make sure we’re a good fit. If we move forward with working together, you’ll send payments. Once payments are sent, we’ll send over the sign up link to our app!