Why Do Macros Matter? The Basics of Macronutrients & Calories (That You Should Know)!

Macros are a key factor in nutrition that help you not only achieve your training and physique goals, but also help bring balance to your life. 

Our macros are in control of our balance of energy levels, how we think, how we feel, how efficient we are at our work, and more. 

Our bodies are naturally smart— we tend to get signals from it when we’re lacking something, but many of us don’t know how to decipher these signals. In addition to that, our bodies become inefficient at sending signals due to imbalances over a longer period of time. If you stop listening to the signs, your body stops sending them (or sends the wrong one’s).

If we aren’t balanced with our macros, we will struggle in both our personal and work life. And of course, we will not be efficient as athletes either.

This video goes over JUST THE BASICS of macronutrients and why you should pay attention to them.

If you prefer to read more about macros, check out the, “Macros 101” article!

Lexes O'Hara

A passionate certified personal trainer and coach, who has been working with clients to change their strength & health for over 10 years. She began her fitness journey as a way to cope with mental health battles, and now continues to guide others to liberation through healthy lifestyles via fitness and nutrition.


How To Track Your Macros (With & Without Food Labels) Using My Fitness Pal


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