Strength Training, Training Lexes O'Hara Strength Training, Training Lexes O'Hara

Swiss Bench vs. Barbell Bench Press: Which Is Better for Strength & Powerlifting?

When it comes to our bench press in powerlifting, we have our standard power barbell that’s used in our competition-based movement, but we also have other alternative barbells that we can use to build strength! Today we’re discussing the difference between using something like an Ohio bar for our bench press vs. the Swiss bar (or also commonly called the football bar or multigrip bar).

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Strength Training, Training Lexes O'Hara Strength Training, Training Lexes O'Hara

Barbell Rows vs. Pendlay Rows: Which Is Better For Strength & Powerlifting?

Rows are an important exercise in powerlifting as an accessory to help in building on strength and maintaining balance in our exercise volume for joint health. Barbell rows and pendlay rows are some of the more common row variations you’ll see programmed for powerlifters. Is one better than the other in powerlifting? Let’s discuss the differences!

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Strength Training Lexes O'Hara Strength Training Lexes O'Hara

How To Warm-Up For Bench Press Before The Bar | Powerlifting Tips For Beginners

Warming up for bench is important in preparing ourselves for heavy lifting. When it comes to powerlifting, the bench press is performed differently than in bodybuilding or recreational lifting; it involves the full body, all the way down to the legs, to perform a heavy bench press. This is how to warm-up for bench press in powerlifting.

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Strength Training Lexes O'Hara Strength Training Lexes O'Hara

Here's What Happened To My Strength After 3 Months Off From The Gym.

If you’ve been out of the gym since mid-March, you’re probably, like me, wondering, “what’s going to happen to my strength when I get back to the gym?”

While the data is minimal when it comes to relevant studies relating to detraining in these circumstances, I decided to take it upon myself to test my own strength in the name of science.

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