Learn the Set Up and Technique for Conventional Deadlifts | Beginner Strength Tips
The deadlift is one of seven most important for our natural human movement patterns. Learning how to conventional deadlift can improve your strength and muscle mass, decrease risk of injury from weakness or imbalance, and improve your general health. Today we’re going over how you can learn the set up and technique for the conventional deadlift!
Benefits of the Larsen Press for Powerlifting: Why You Should Include it in Your Training Program
The Larsen press is a strength and muscle-building bench press variation used that removes leg drive and puts more emphasis on utilizing the chest, triceps, and shoulders. Here are the benefits of including this in your powerlifting or strength routine!
Here's What Happened To My Strength After 3 Months Off From The Gym.
If you’ve been out of the gym since mid-March, you’re probably, like me, wondering, “what’s going to happen to my strength when I get back to the gym?”
While the data is minimal when it comes to relevant studies relating to detraining in these circumstances, I decided to take it upon myself to test my own strength in the name of science.