Why Its not helpful to Train For Muscle Soreness
One of the most basic concepts you learn about as a newbie personal trainer is GAS (General Adaptation Syndrome) and I’m going to share some of this knowledge so you can better understand what’s going on when you train.
How to Get Back Into Strength Training After A Long Break From Lifting | Powerlifting for Beginners
With news of gyms re-opening in certain locations, you may be wondering, “what should be my plan of attack when I finally get back to my powerlifting training routine?”
3 EASY Ways to Stay Fit From Home, Without Gym Equipment!
Maintaining progress or “staying lean” during quarantine can occur more naturally than you think. While you may need to make small adjustments in habits and behavior, I think you’ll be shocked at how easy it is to implement these three tips into your everyday routine.
The One Science-Backed Tip Athletes Use for Their Success (That You Need to Start Using NOW)
You already know that you need to set goals to achieve them. You already know you need a plan for your goals. You already know that you need to develop better habits to remain consistent with your plan. But what you don’t know is this technique that athletes and coaches are using to change their behaviors to better align with success. Visualization.
A Guide to Calories & Macros: What are Calories and Macronutrients and How to Start Tracking Them
The word “macros” is popular all over social media, but what are they and why do they matter so much for nutrition? “Macros” stands for macronutrients; these are our proteins, carbs, fats, and alcohol in our diet. They all play a different role for us. Find out why they’re important.
How to Set and Conquer Your New Years Resolutions & Fitness Goals
You’ve been here before. You’ve set resolutions and never finished them. You’ve read the advice on how to actually stick to your goals, but still you’ve failed. Here’s how you’re going to stick to your 2020 Resolutions this time.
Thoughts on My New Low Weigh-In After My Past Eating Disorder
This is what I want to say to you if you currently struggle with emotional eating and also what I told myself when I was recovering from my eating disorder. These are all based on my own experiences, and I am absolutely not an expert in this; I’m just a girl who went through this and am sharing some of the mindset changes that helped me.
Which is Better for Your Fitness Goals? Metabolic Conditioning Vs. High Intensity Interval Training
With CrossFit being a trending sport, an interest in Metcon training has taken an all time high. On the other hand, HIIT is a style of training that most are familiar with and that many claim to love (stay tuned on this). The question is, which should you be incorporating into your training? HIIT or MetCon?
How to Calculate Your Ideal Weight Based on Your Body Fat Percentage
Oftentimes we know we want to gain or lose weight, but we’re not sure how much is healthy and what to base these numbers off of. Today we’re going over how much we should weigh, based on our current body fat percentage.
How to Build Your Quads Using Leg Extensions
If you’re looking to not only build strength, but build size in your quads, it’s important to know how to target the four individual muscles within the quads. Leg extensions are one of the best exercises for isolating the quads, but we’ve heard they’re bad for your knees and building muscle. Here’s the truth.
How to Increase Focus At the Gym If You're Easily Distracted
Are you an easily-distracted person? Here’s how to manage distractions better when at the gym.
8 Functional Exercises to Prepare You For a Rock Show
In honor of the final Vans Warped Tour show, I created a concert-ready fitness guide which will allow you to have the best experience possible not only for Warped Tour, but for any pop punk, emo, or metal shows you have coming up!
I Used to Binge Eat 10,000 Calories of Oreos. Here's My Story.
I craved to be just like everyone else. So what better way to fight my fears and achieve this goal of being liked and adored than to get on a stage and be judged while half-naked in heels, right?